Camp, Retreat and Conference Center

Don’t take electricity for granted

You flip a light switch and expect the lights to come on. You depend on being able to power computers and cell phones, essential to everyday communications. When you open the refrigerator or freezer you expect the cold to hit you and perishable items to be preserved. You expect the toaster and microwave to work. But what happens when the power goes out? We’ve had this experience, and it’s frustrating.

We take electricity for granted. Some of our grandparents didn’t. They used oil lamps, had an ice box, or powered up a phone by cranking. When electricity did come, it’s use was limited. Some old homes only had a few power receptacles, because electric gadgets were limited. You might have an electric light, a fan, and a radio. the interruption of power was inconvenient, but didn’t stop most daily routines.

Ladore June 2015 166 Ladore June 2015 174Our experience has taught us how dependent we are on electricity. This has been a trying week at the Ladore Lodge. On Sunday evening we lost power, and were back up late Thursday afternoon.

Unfortunately we found it necessary to cancel the June 8th – 12th senior session due to a break in the main power line. PPL was called and determined that the problem was beyond their pole. We contacted our electrician and they began the repair process on Monday morning. We were hoping for an easy fix, but around noon it became clear that repairs would extend into the week. We immediately had staff calling to let people know that we had had to cancel the session. Unfortunately some were already en route and we had to share the bad news upon their arrival. We’ve offered re booking, or refunds to those scheduled for the canceled week. We hope that most will be able to participate in one of our other sessions through mid October.

There are spiritual lessons we can learn from this. As believers it is essential that we maintain a connection with the source of all power – God. Our equipment couldn’t do what it was meant for without electricity, and we cannot do God’s will without God’s power. It was dark during our power outage. Those without a connection to God live in darkness. They stumble through life unable to clearly see what’s happening around them. In their darkness, the miss most of the meaning and beauty of things around them. We no longer take lights for granted. As believers, we dare not take Jesus, who said he was the light of the world, for granted.

Don’t take electricity for granted today, and don’t take God, the source of all power for granted. Have a light filled day!


Comment by Kelly on August 14, 2015

We learn great lessons from our trials! Thank you for a great article, Major Glenn Snyder!